Well, I am going to give this a shot. The idea is this "one picture a day for 365 days". So far, I am behind. When I do work on it it is great fun. Here are a couple of my first images.
I am a photographer, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, baker, knitter, reader, thrift store shopper, lover of our Lord and Savior, love to laugh, and I found what I want to do when I grow up.
I have been attracted to things that require creativity since elementary school. Photography specifically is a medium I have enjoyed since high school. I decided to get more serious with it about 7 years ago, at which point I took a couple classes at a community college. My friends and family were kind enough, first, to encourage me in my pursuit of this art, and then also to stand in front of my lens as I began to learn and practice portrait photography. For the first couple of years my portfolio was filled with portraits of these people whom I love and am thankful for. I will always be learning, and look forward to each and every time I use my camera to capture life as it happens.
Hey there! The text color for your blog entries is not showing up for some reason. The background on my laptop is white. I am on an apple.